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eTwinning projekt 2014.

About Our eTwinning Project

You can read about our eTwinning project "You Complete me, about project goals, operatimg procedure and expected results.

You Complete Me

About project

Pupils will identify problems caused by diversities and look for ways how to make the best of it. Students from different countries will work jointly on an international “diversity textbook” which will inform about diversity through presentations or videos etc., worksheets and activities for pupils. In all parts of the project students will be involved. They will also be the first learners as they will try the activities prepared by their partners.


The overall aim of our project is to show students that the diversity has positive and negative aspects and that people can focus on the negatives because they do not understand the diverse world, they are often afraid of it. We want our students to think about problems globally and recognize that different does not mean bad. Project activities will teach students through teaching others about the beauties of diversity and will allow them to recognize the needs of the others and their own. Students will work on an international “diversity textbook” which will inform about diversity and the major problems connected with it. 

We will focus specifically on situations which are part of students´ everyday life and groups they belong to such as family and school. The project will develop understanding of diversity and increase students´ self-confidence, communicative and social skills, ability to work in a team and build new friendships.

Operating Procedure 

  1. January: Preparing IT tools, forums for presenting work, websites. Our pupils already know each other as we have started working on this project in October and decided to continue on etwinning in January.
  2. February - March: Continuous work on diversity topics and finishing lessons for mini text book. Publishing our outcomes. 
  3. April: We cooperate with school which is not etwinning school. We hope by this time they may wish to join etwinning. Meeting with our partners in Senec, Slovakia and presenting the results on ACES academy.
  4. May - June: presenting our project via noticeboards and school web to local community and other teachers and at school. 

Expected Results 

Students from different countries will cooperate and work together on each topic. The project will develop their understanding of diversity and increase their self-confidence, communicative and social skills and ability to work in a team and build new friendships.

Crosscurriculum approach enables students to develop IT skills, writing personal and official communication in English and Croatian language, history and geography knowledge.


Izvor: Nada Bujas, prof.

Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Administrator   datum: 1. 1. 2014.

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Project Awarded
Project "You Complete Me"

"C Code to..."
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"You Complete Me"

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